As you work to get a loan during your home-buying journey, the following information will be helpful to have.
Mortgage Checklist
If you’re a first time buyer:
- Your Social Security number
- Current pay stubs or, if self employed, your tax returns for the past two years
- Bank statements for the past two months
- Investment account statements for the past two months
- Retirement account statements for the past two months
- Credit card account information
- Auto loan account information
- Personal loan account information
If you currently own Real Estate:
- Mortgage account information
- Home insurance policy information
- Home equity account information (if applicable)

Start your journey home now.
Our easy online process lets you stop any time and pick up where you left off.
Apply to prequalify for a loan today
New mortgages
Existing mortgages
Office: 855-332-6883
[email protected]
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