Grow your savings with a 36-month CD from Customers Bank
Time deposit
account with
3.25% APY*
for 36 months
$500 minimum to open
No hassles, just benefits.

Digital Convenience
Use our mobile app to manage your account
in minutes
minimum to open
insuredA strong and stable bank
$21.5 billion…
$10+ billion…
$10+ billion
Total Liquidity
$14.1 billion…
$14.1 billion
Total Loans and Leases
Follow these easy steps to open your account today
Open Account – Step 1
Apply today
Complete the form to apply.
Open Account 500 – Step 2
Fund your account
Fund your account with $500 via transfer, wire or check.
Open Account 3.25% APY – Step 3
And you’re done
Start earning
3.25% APY

It’s even easier to grow your savings with a CD from Customers Bank
Open your account today!
Have Questions? Call us at 855-398-8159
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Minimum balance to open the account and earn stated APY is $500.00. Penalty for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings. APY is accurate as of 1/22/2025. This account will automatically renew at maturity. Available to consumers only. For FDIC insurance information, visit